Andy expressed how we want God to be made perfect NOT in our weaknesses but in our successes. Many of us dream about giving credit to God when we receive that award or recognition, or run the bases, or reach the end zone. When we are in the moment of glory, that's when we want to point to heaven/God and acknowledge His grace and power. However, "God sometimes chooses to showcase His power on the stage of our weaknesses."(Andy Stanley)

While listening to today's sermon, I was reminded of how God's grace has been made sufficient in our weakness in the last year. About a year ago, I "revealed" my struggle to everyone I knew. Although most people could have guessed my situation, I humbled myself and became transparent about our infertility.
Since I disclosed our struggle and shared about our adoption decision, I cannot believe all the encouragement I received in one year. I've been overwhelmed by so many people sharing about their stories. Some of my friends are adopted themselves. Some have adopted their children. Some struggled with infertility for many years before finally becoming pregnant. I think for a long time I wanted to appear "invincible." And it wasn't because I was so capable, but because I was simply a Christian. I wanted the world to know that I was well put-together by the power of God. However, by sharing my weakness, I truly believe that God was more glorified than in my strength.
I WISH I could say that there is a pretty bow to top off our baby journey, right now! Regrettably, we are still waiting for our baby. While waiting to receive our baby, however, I am determined for God to continue to showcase His power in our struggle and imperfect lives. I will wait well on the Lord. Even when God seems inattentive, uncooperative, and late, I choose to believe that He NOT absent and that He is still GOD!