We received Lincoln's updates last week. It had been a while because there wasn't one in August. So, for all the family and friends who wanted updates but couldn't have any, I thought I would list them for you. Lincoln will turn 9 months this month! :( He's growing up so fast!!! And also, it's apparent that he's a real boy-boy!!! (#10)
Well, here is what Lincoln has been up to lately:
1. drinks 200cc milk formula every 4 hours

3. pushes around the entire room on his
4. sits up briefly if helped to
sit - lifts buttocks trying to crawl on
5. grabs toys when offered and
transfers from one hand to the other.
6. sucks fingers.
7. opens arms when in others’ arms and if
asked to come by the foster mother.
8. bounces up and down when supported and
tries to stand holding on to the foster mother’s arms.
9. looks at picture book
attentively. (YAY!!! He's a reader already!!!!)
10. stops to watch when car commercials
are on TV. (Can't you believe this?!?!?! Chris and Lincoln already have this in common. I can tell that he's a Boy boy!)
12. plays with feet while lying
13. laughs when plays ‘peek-a-boo.’
14. looks to the source of sound.
15. murmurs something noisily... says “umma” (mommy) when crying. he sometimes says “appa”, (daddy) too.
16. puts hands on the bottle and can
hold the bottle.
17. likes when shown food and sways arms
in order to be fed quickly.
18. sleeps from 10:30pm until 7:30am and
sleeps well without waking at night. (He's a night owl like Daddy!)
19. takes two naps a day - morning
and afternoon for 2 hours each. he
sometimes sleeps longer during the day in quiet environment. moves a lot when sleeping. frets a little before sleeping and falls
asleep soon if laid beside him and patted. knows that it is bedtime when dark and quiet. sleeps with the foster parents all the time.
21. likes when the foster
mother plays and talks face to face and touches his face.
22. is not really shy with strangers.
23. looks around here and there with
curiosity when taken to new environment.
24. according to the foster mother, he is a
clever and lovely child and wins all the love of the foster families and
others in the neighborhood. (awwwww!!!!!)
Doesn't it sound like Lincoln's growing up...super fast?!?!?! He is starting to have a real personality, too. We hope to meet this guy real soon!!!
I can't wait to meet him! I hope that you two don't have to wait much longer.