Upon calling them back, nervously because I wasn't sure if it was regarding a court date or a problem, I was given a COURT DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! So, we get to MEET Lincoln on Monday, October 13 and again on Wednesday, October 15. Then we go to the court and meet with a judge on Friday, October 17 . Then anti-climatically, we return home probably the next day, just the two of us.
After we return home, we will be given another date to go back and this time to get custody. Bethany thinks it will be within a month from the time we return from Korea, which should be around mid-November. So, either for Thanksgiving or the latest his 3rd birthday, Lincoln will be HOME!
Although October 17 is later than what we had expected or were hoping for, but everything else had been late in our process. So it wouldn't have made sense for this part to be expedited. And so, we are pleased with this date.
Then I proceeded to scream the court date to my teammates who were nervously and excitedly waiting for my response. They were all so sweet as they immediately started asking me when they should hold a baby shower for me. They also asked me what I needed. I had also tried calling Chris but he was busy with a patient. That's I called his office, Sweet Life Chiropractic, and screamed on the phone when my sister Jina picked up the phone. She first thought something was wrong, but once she realized what I was saying, she was OVERJOYED!!!!

In addition, good friends, Gina and Randy, gave us their son's toys, who went away to college a few weeks ago. As Lincoln LOVES cars, he wouldn't know what to do with 75 hot wheels and 11 airplanes, and some Lego cars. Here is the display Chris has made on our breakfast table! I am sure this was his childhood dream as well.
A few years ago, another set of friends, Jessica and James, gave us their son's car seat as he got older and wanted to get a different one. So, we've had a car seat waiting for Lincoln for a couple of years now. Then my friend Brooke, a fellow teacher, gave me all of her kids puzzles as I also love puzzles. Along the way, my students' parents gave me books and clothes for Lincoln. Also, my friend Nancy taught me how to knit and I knitted a blanket for Lincoln which he's had for over a year. We had also asked Will, Charmaine, Annie, Susan, Gail, and Pastor Duane to write reference letters for us, a few times for some. Our friend Mihali had to write medical letters for us 4 times! My co-worker Cheryl and friend Dennis notarized all our documents. Then for Lincoln's first birthday, my fifth grade teammates threw Lincoln a first birthday party with many precious gifts. Some were sent to Korea and he's enjoyed them for the last year and half, and some are waiting at home. My brother gave subscription to "Parents" magazine while waiting to prepare ourselves. These are just to name a FEW people and their contributions along the way! (I know I am leaving many others out. I am so sorry!!! I am just so excited to write this post and can't think straight. Sorry!)
When I felt like God was not listening to my prayers, He was actually listening. God was NEVER absent during the last 4 years. What I failed to realize was that He was ever so present as He surrounded us with His wonderful people: many became His mouth piece with encouraging and kind words asking about Lincoln and some too afraid to ask because they didn't want to bother us; some giving us their child(dren)'s outgrown possessions; many got angry or even IRATE at the adoption process and many cried with us as we jumped through some difficult hoops; MANY have told how what great parents we will make; some gave generously toward our adoption expenses not necessarily because they are wealthy, but because they love us and want to see this little boy come home; etc., etc.
When I recall ALL of these experiences and more, how could I have considered that God had abandoned us???? When we couldn't get pregnant and reluctantly decided to adopt, when our paperwork took much longer than expected, when we were asked to update paperwork again and again, when we redid fingerprinting about 7 times altogether, with every step, many people were available not only to hear us vent, but to cry with us, to ache and hurt with us, to love on this little boy that they have no reason to love other than they love us. How could I doubt God's love for us??? When I felt like I was being a terrible witness for the Lord because I was complaining, many gave me permission to be honest and just vent and express myself. Lastly and MOST importantly, we had family, friends, co-workers, and patients praying for us and lifting us up from ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! For a fact, those prayers carried us through especially the last two tough years. Lincoln, Chris, and I were covered THICK in prayers. Without any exaggeration, I know I couldn't have walked this path without all the support we've had from the people whom God had placed in our lives. How could I have been so blinded!?!?!'
As we near the end, my heart overflows, bursts at seams, with gratitude for His abundant loving kindness and mercy. I know that He will carry us through as we travel to Korea (twice), and as Lincoln comes home and starts grieving process for his loss and transitions into his new, FOREVER family. God will not stop being who He is! We are beyond a shadow of doubt blessed to witness God's love through so many, many people, near and far. I wonder how many people in the world actually experience this kind of unfathomable love by our Heavenly Father. We are TRULY, TRULY blessed in this journey as we wait for Little Lee with amazing family and friends!
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