Happy 2011!!!!!!!!
I know very few people who make new year's resolutions, especially as an adult. Well, I am one of those few that also believe if you shoot for the moon, you will at least end up on a star even if you miss. Yes, it is cheesy and very childlike, but then I work with children. Some of my resolutions in the past years have been:
- consistent Quiet Time- giving God 10% of my time each day - 24 min. out of 24 hrs. I know that math isn't correct! :)
- reading a specific number of books
- being thankful for everything
- forgiving others regularly
- praying more
- reading the Bible from cover to cover
- etc., etc.
As I reflect on 2010, there are many reasons to be thankful for. Exactly a year ago, Chris and I visited daily the site where Sweet Life would be as it was being built out. We observed construction and waited holding our breath hoping that we would open according to schedule. A year later, we find ourselves incredibly thankful at how God has met our expectations and more!!!
Another significant realization I've learned in 2010 is that all my family, friends, and acquaintances are "gems" that God has handpicked to make my life more meaningful and beautiful. Some are precious gems whom I call "refreshers." They are the optimistic and cheerful people with strong faith who refresh and pick me up when I feel despondent or melancholy. God has also planted some "pebbles" those who can be described as "drainers," and if I had a say, I wouldn't near them. However, He has allowed these people into my life so that I can be a gem in their life, the one refreshing and picking them up. While I am bedazzled by many diamonds and rubies, I am also surrounded by pebbles that are waiting to become beautiful gems. The only difference between the diamonds and pebbles is that the former has gone through the Refiner's fire!
As I ring in 2011, I know that God will continue to bring people into my life, both gems and pebbles. I came across this quote recently: “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I've been known to complain how I end up with a rude or unfriendly cashier at the store, without fail! In fact, s/he might have been very nice to the person before me, but as soon as I step up, the smile disappears! I am certain that I will com across many more unpleasant people, however, I will not allow those people to bring me down with them. This year, I choose to give him/her a small gift, a smile! :)
We are ecstatic about what this year holds for us as we move forward with our adoption process. We've completed all the paperwork for Bethany. From this point on, we patiently and gratefully wait and wait until our referral (when they send as a picture of our baby!!!) However, while we wait, we will also be applying for grants to cover the adoption costs.
So, I resolve 2011 to be the year...
- that I continue to be thankful for the gems and gems-to-be in my life
- that I give a small gift (smile) to EVERYone I encounter
- our family receives a SPECIAL blessing, where we grow from three (including Happy) to FOUR!
I also pray that 2011 be synonymous with: extraordinary, healthy, prayerful, purposeful, adventurous, and overflowing with thankfulness, joy, peace, kindness, blessing, miracle, laughter, and love!
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